Archive for the ‘ michrimonsters // familiy ’ Category


Fietje Tentokel

born 24. February 2010 in Paris at 3.35 am but his real origins are in Munich. Sadly he doesn’t really like beer and white sausages but prefers Lapskaus. His parents did him a big favour by giving him a very nordish name! But for the moment he has to stay in Munich, so he always makes a sad face and sometimes a tear rolls around his eyes. But it’s not that bad. He just likes drama!

Olaf von Okris

born 21. February 2010 in Paris at 3.09 am with a genetic defect of two faces. He was operated on February 27th 2010 in Munich and feels much better now! He made a big effort and dressed up for this special photoshooting and his presence at the exhibition “Ahoi Ungetier” in Munich during March! And finally he can smile again!!

Fredi Hila

born 31. January 2010 at 22.17 h

First he liked to run around completely bold, but then he thought it would be better to show a bit more style, so he let his hair grow to a “VOKUHILA” also known as mullet. He looks really rat now and all his friends are very jealous. He is a really crazy guy this Fredi and he loves to pose for pictures!

Ernst Goik

born 31. January 2010 at 14.54 h

Ernst seems to be a quite serious guy. But from time to time he can dance like crazy with his 4 feet! He completely freaks out and enjoys it! Sometimes he even risks to lose his left eye. But then pretty fast he puts on his pokerface again.

Loki Lausen

born 30. January 2010 at 18.39 h

Loki really likes to laugh!! He loves it. Actually he laughs the whole day. Maybe because he was born with a “double eye” so he can see funny things that others can’t or maybe it is just because he really likes to show his huge teethridge of which he is very proud.

Der Schimmelschwikk

born 31. January 2010 at 2.42 am

Der Schimmelschwikk has a kind of wicked skin. It is not quite sure if he was just hit by puberty or if it’s his genes that create all this bubbles! But he is very sure that it makes him special and sexy to have such an awkward appearance!

Pögi Gukh

born 30. January 2010 at 11.32 am with a a lot of stripes in his face. That drove him really crazy because he felt surrounded by stripes. Everywhere he turned his eyes he just saw stripes. So he decided to make an emergency operation in the night of February 24th 2010. His aim was to finally look as sexy as his cousin “Der Schimmelschwikk”. They even donated him a third eye at the hospital. So now he can check out everything triple!